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A New Season

The end of July got busy, really busy: all the summer veggies kicked into high production, my husband was dealing with a loss of a family member and all the ramifications, and I was trying to keep the daily To Do list going, as well as, all the other things that come up with loss. I needed to take a step back from my knitting and designing to get a handle on the rest of life.

When starting this blog my goal was to share what I've been knitting, talk about my design process, and share knitting tidbits. Writing weekly posts has allowed me explore new area like Japanese Knitting Stitches, however they have also taken me away from my focus. I'm so thankful for this experience, but I feel it's important to switch from weekly post to monthly posts. I plan to focus more on the design process and finally finish some of the projects I have going.

My goal is to have a new blog entry posted at The Knotting Way website the first Monday of each month. Also, expect to see weekly pictures posted on Facebook and Instagram.

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Meet Ann

Loves yarn, creating original knitting patterns, the outdoors, cuddling up with a good book, and enjoying time with my son, husband, and fuzzy children.

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